Felted Soap – The best gift for someone who has EVERYTHING!

DIY Felted Soap  Felting is an easy and fun textile art. All that is needed is wool, moisture and agitation. Felted items can be strong, weather resistant and warm. Hats, socks, boots and tunics can all be made of felted wool. So why felted soap? The felting layer around the soap acts as an exfoliator…

In the Year 2020….

Ooof… what a year this has been. All in all, I feel rather blessed to be coming out of this year mostly unscathed. Or maybe I am just having memory loss as I read back over my last post about the trials we have over come. HA! No,, I think I am simply a warrior…

Summer Harvest

What the 2020… We have had so many ups and downs that I get a little nauseous thinking about it. Hold on tight folks this is going to be a long one. I made the leap in March to go full time on the homestead. Quitting the 9-5 allowed me to invest more time into…

Battling Self Isolation

Hello from on top of the mountain and happy first day of spring! Doesn’t really look like spring out there does it? I hope everyone is doing well during this strange and difficult time. For those of you that are extroverts and not accustomed to this way of life I hope you are finding an…

Spring Preparation and Waving Goodbye to Winter

We are slowly encroaching on one of my favorite times of year. The snow and ice is receding up the mountains and eventually daffodils will be sticking their noses up out of the soil to welcome the warmth of the sun onto their faces. Days are noticeably getting longer. Dreaming between the pages of seed…

Holiday Bustling

October was practically non-existent, November snuck right by and here we are in December. It feels unreal when I start to think about how quickly time goes by. Each day of routine blends into the next. At least I have a warm house with amazing views to watch the world go by. The woodpile is…

Gift Giving for the Homesteader in your life

Do you know someone who is living a back to the basics life like myself? Have you been struggling with what to get them this year for Christmas? Well, I have a treat for you as I go over 19 of the topmost useful and durable gifts for the homestead love of your life. Keep…

Surviving Winter with Livestock and no power

The grass is white with frost and clothes left out to dry on the line are soaked by sunrise. How did Fall slip from my grasp and winter creep down my throat? As the plants halt their growth and the animals begin to fluff with their winter coats I am struck with a sense of…

Additional Fiber Arts

All things soft, fluffy, and warm are in route to this homestead! My Ashford Rigid Heddle arrived over a week ago and I quickly assembled and warped it up with a merino blend. I dismantled a partially completed crotched scarf of handspun angora yarn that was to be a gift for my aunt. In a…

Building this Business

I am working on building the entire business which includes my fiber arts, vacation rental, and honey bees. Fall is a time to clean up and get organized around the homestead, the cold crisp mornings remind you that time is running short. And all those tasks need to be wrapped up before winter closes everything…